The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh

Welcome, dear student! Before you embark on our exciting quiz, it is suggested to watch the video on the work that we have created on our YouTube channel. This will enhance your understanding of the subject matter and summary of the novel. Once you've finished, you'll be fully equipped to tackle our challenging questions with confidence.

1. What award did Amitav Ghosh win for his novel The Shadow Lines?

2. What is the unique feature of The Shadow Lines in terms of storytelling?

3. What is the primary theme of The Shadow Lines?

4. According to the novel, what is the consequence of artificially distinguishing groups of people?

5. What is the significance of mirrors in The Shadow Lines?

6. What is the novelist's view of human memories?

7. What is one of the key focuses of the book?

8. What is the outcome of the tribal impulse being exaggerated beyond all bounds?

9. What is the author's view on the potential of nationalism?

10. What can cause conflict in people's daily lives?

11. What is the name of the Narrator's uncle in The Shadow Lines?

12. What is the result of jingoism?

13. What does the book emphasize about human nature?

14. Where does Ila, the Narrator's cousin, reside?

15. What is May's relationship to Tridib in The Shadow Lines?

16. What can wisdom help prevent?

17. What is a consequence of the extreme version of nationalism?

19. What is the occupation of Tha'mma in The Shadow Lines?

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