Welcome, dear student! Before you embark on our exciting quiz, it is suggested to watch the video on the work that we have created on our YouTube channel. This will enhance your understanding of the subject matter and summary of the novel. Once you've finished, you'll be fully equipped to tackle our challenging questions with confidence.
1. What is the main setting of the novel “The Village by the Sea” by Anita Desai?
2. Who are the main protagonists in “The Village by the Sea”?
3. What is the primary occupation of the villagers in “The Village by the Sea”?
4. What significant event takes place in the village during the course of the story?
5. What themes are explored in “The Village by the Sea”?
6. What is the main setting of the novel “The Village by the Sea” by Anita Desai?
7. Who are the main protagonists in “The Village by the Sea”?
8. What is the primary occupation of the villagers in “The Village by the Sea”?
9. What significant event takes place in the village during the course of the story?
10. What themes are explored in “The Village by the Sea”?
11. Which character in “The Village by the Sea” serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for Hari and Lila?
12. What is the central message or moral lesson conveyed in “The Village by the Sea”?
13. What significant change occurs in Hari’s life towards the end of the novel?
14. How does “The Village by the Sea” depict the clash between tradition and modernity?
15. What is the overall tone of “The Village by the Sea”?
16. What is the main setting of the novel “The Village by the Sea” by Anita Desai?
17. Who are the main protagonists in “The Village by the Sea”?
18. What is the primary occupation of the villagers in “The Village by the Sea”?
19. What significant event takes place in the village during the course of the story?
20. What themes are explored in “The Village by the Sea”?