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Noam Chomsky, Mikhail Bhaktin & Michel Foucault Previous Year UGC-NET English

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Noam Chomsky is known for his

1) Generative grammar

2) Glossematics linguistics

3) Linguistic determinism

4) Grammar Translation Method

Answer: 1) Generative grammar

Which of the following are books by Noam Chomsky?

(a) Syntactic Structures

(b) Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour

(c) Language and Society

(d) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax

(e) The pragmatics of Politeness

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[1] (a) and (c) only

[2] (b) and (d) only

[3] (c) and (e) only

[4] (d) and (a) only

Answer: 4

Mikhail Bakhtin

Which two of the following essays form part of Mikhail Bakhtin’s The Dialogic imagination four Essays?

(a) “From the history of Novelistic Discourse”

(b) “Discourse in the Novel”

(c) “Romance and Novel”

(d) “Forms of Time and the Chronotope in the Novel”

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[1] (a) and (b) only

[2] (a) and (d) only

[3] (b) and (c) only

[4] (b) and (d) only

Answer: 4

Which of the following are applicable to the term ‘Carnival’?

[A] It became important through the work of the Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin.

[B] It means the way in which popular humour subverts official authority in classical, medieval and renaissance texts and culture.

[C] It overturns the established hierarchy and sets up a popular and democratic counterculture.

[D] It brings out the serious elements in literature.

[E] It is used as a critical tool for interpretation of poetry.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[1] A, B and C only

[2] A and B only

[3] B and C only

[4] A and C only

Answer: [1] A, B and C only

Which among the following are written by Mikhail Bakhtin?

A) White Mythology

B) Freudianism: A Marxist Critique

C) The Ideology of the Aesthetics

D) Rabelais and His World

E) Morphology of the Folktale

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1) A and C only.

2) B and D only.

3) A and E only.

4) B and C only.

Answer: 2) B and D only.

Match List – I with List – II.

List – I (Term) List – II (Coined by)

(A) Heteroglossia (I) William Empson

(B) Structures of Feeling (II) Raymond Williams

(C) Ambiguity (III) Mikhail Bakhtin

(D) Discourse (IV) Michel Foucault

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A)-(III), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)

(2) (A)-(1), (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(II)

(3) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(III)

(4) (A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(III), (D)-(I)

Answer: (1) (A)-(III), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)

The essay “Discourse in the Novel” discusses that the novel is constituted by a multiplicity of divergent and contending social voices. Who is the author of this essay?

(1) E.M. Forster

(2) Mikhail Bakhtin

(3) Dostoevsky

(4) Edgar Allan Poe

Answer: (2) Mikhail Bakhtin

Michel Foucault

Arrange the following terms in the chronological order as these appeared in literary theory:

(a) Phallogocentrism

(b) Locutionary Act

(c) Interpellation

(d) Interpretive community

Choose the correct answer from the option given below

[1] (a), (d), (c), (b)

[2] (b), (c), (a), (d)

[3] (c), (b), (d), (a)

[4] (d), (b), (a), (c)

Answer: 2

Which of the following narratives cycles is referred to in Michel Foucault’s “What is an Author”?

[1] The Canterbury Tales

[2] The Decameron

[3] The Thousand and One Nights

[4] Tuti Namah

Answer: 3

Given below are two statements:

Statement I: According to Michel Foucault, the French revolution created grounds for the birth of ‘the clinic’.

Statement II: Foucault mentions that the doctors started caring for the body of the patients the way priests cared for the soul of the sinners.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below

[1] Both statement I and statement II are true

[2] Both statement I and statement II are false

[3] Statement I is true, but statement II is false

[4] Statement I is false, but statement II is true

Answer: [1] Both statement I and statement II are true

Choose the correct chronological sequence in which the following texts were published:

A) Madness and Civilization

B) The Archaeology of Knowledge

C) The Language of the Self: The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis

D) The Birth of the Clinic

E) Culture and Anarchy

1) E, B, D, C, A

2) E, A, C, B, D

3) E, B, D, A, C

4) C, A, B, D, E

Answer: 2) E, A, C, B, D

‘Panopticism’ is a concept that refers to external spying. Who among the following coined this term?

(1) Antonio Gramsci

(2) Michel Foucault

(3) Slavoj Zizek

(4) Roland Barthes

Answer: (2) Michel Foucault

Arrange the following in the chronological order of the dates of publication:

(A) Michel Foucault’s The Order of Things

(B) M.K. Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj or The Indian Home rule

(C) Stephen Greenblatt’s The Swerve: How the World Became Modern

(D) Donna Harraway’s When Species Meet

(E) Tony Bennett’s Formalism and Marxism

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A), (B), (C), (E), (D)

(2) (B), (A), (E), (D), (C)

(3) (C), (D), (E), (B), (A)

(4) (D), (C), (A), (E), (B)

Answer: (2) (B), (A), (E), (D), (C)

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