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Research Methodology in English Literature Previous Year

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Given below are two statements:

Statement I: All research being original and uninspired, it is rare for a researcher to begin a project by deriving ideas from predecessors.

Statement II: Studying and documenting past work on a research topic stifles the continual expansion of human knowledge.

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

[1] Both statement I and statement II are correct.

[2] Both statement I and statement II are incorrect.

[3] Statement I is correct, but statement II is incorrect.

[4] Statement I is incorrect, but statement II is correct.

Answer: 2

The MLA Style Sheet, a compilation of scholarly conventions and directives, was first published in:

[1] 1951

[2] 1957

[3] 1962

[4] 1970

Answer: 1

Which of the following abbreviations refers to a documentation style?


[2] MFS

[3] MHRA

[4] PMLA

Answer: 3

Which two of the following conform to the documentation style prescribed by the eighth edition of The MLA Handbook?

(a) Puig, Manuel, Kiss of the Spider Woman, translated by Thomas Colchie, Vintage Books, 1991.

(b) Kincaid, Jamaica. “In history.” Callaloo, vol.24, no.2, Spring 2001, pp .620-26.

(c) Nunberg, Geoffrey, editor. The future of the Book. U of California P, 1996.

(d) Wellek, Rene. A history of modern Criticism, 1750-1950, Yale UP,1986

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[1] (a) and (b) only

[2] (a) and (c) only

[3] (b) and (c) only

[4] (b) and (d) only

Answer: 3

Which of the following statements are true about Ethnographic research method?

[A] It enables the exploration of the consumption of literature within defined social and historical settings.

[B] Janice A. Radway’s reading the romance (1984) is one of the first examples of the use of ethnographic research methodology.

[C] It is perceived as an act of uncovering an objective reality.

[D] Reading national geographic (1993) by Catherine A. Lutz and jane L. Collins makes effective use of ethnographic research method to find out the role of the magazine national geographic in moulding Americans awareness of the world beyond the United States.

[E] It focuses more on objective data than subjective interpretation of the materials.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

[1] A, B and E only

[2] A and C only

[3] A, B and C only

[4] A, B, C and D only

Answer: [4] A, B, C and D only

Which of the following is NOT a method of data analysis?

[1] Qualitative method

[2] Quantitative method

[3] Mixed method

[4] Subjective method

Answer: [4] Subjective method

What is meant by “corporate author” in research?

[1] A writer who belongs to a corporate company

[2] A writer who writes on matters of corporate affairs

[3] A work produced by an institution, an association or a government agency

[4] A renowned author

Answer: [3] A work produced by an institution, an association or a government agency

In the area of theory and research known as Second Language Acquisition (SLA), the classroom is considered

1) An Ideal Model For Research.

2) A Site Of No Use.

3) A Site That Always Produces Language Learning Blockade.

4) An Experimental Laboratory.

Answer: 4) An Experimental Laboratory.

Which of the following is one of the DON’TS of writing a dissertation or thesis:

1) Compiling a bibliography as soon as the work is started.

2) Avoid jargon wherever possible.

3) It should be kept in mind that a dissertation or a thesis should take the form of an argument in which the writer must attempt to convince the reader of his or her case.

4) A researcher should not bother about the use of the proper scholarly conventions from the very beginning.

Answer: 4) A researcher should not bother about the use of the proper scholarly conventions from the very beginning.

Which one of the following is false?

1) An ideal literary researcher must be an insatiable reader.

2) An ideal literary researcher should not cast himself back into another age

3) An ideal literary researcher should comprehend the current attitudes or the artistic assumptions.

4) An ideal literary researcher must have a vivid sense of history.

Answer: 2) An ideal literary researcher should not cast himself back into another age

Which among the following are true in the context of literary research?

A) It is devoted to the enlightenment of criticism

B) It seeks to illuminate the work of art as it really is

C) It has no connection with the proffered information

D) It tries to see the writer as s/he really was

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1) A, C and D only.

2) B, C and D only.

3) A, B and D only.

4) A, B and C only.

Answer: 3) A, B and D only.

Which among the following are false in the context of autographical research?

A) These can be accepted on face value

B) These are usually idealized

C) These are coloured by compelling motive of the desire for self-justification.

D) These are embroidered through the sheer exuberance of the artistic imagination.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1) A, C and D only.

2) B, C and D only.

3) A, B and D only.

4) A, B, C and D.

Answer: 2) B, C and D only.

Which of the following are the key attributes and skills required in the context of tools and techniques for literary research?

A) Having an overview of the main online and printed sources relevant to the research.

B) Not participating in any online information networks as others may copy the work.

C) Getting to know a range of available online sources, and being able to evaluate these sources comparatively.

D) Using online and printed sources to identify and locate material archives.

E) Peer management technique

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1) A, B and C only.

2) B, C and E only.

3) A, C and D only.

4) A, B, C and D only.

Answer: 3) A, C and D only.

Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A and the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): In extensive reading, the teachers play the main role

Reason (R): The aim of extensive reading is to enrich learners’ knowledge

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

2) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.

4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

Answer: 4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

Which among the following are true in the context of methods and methodologies in literary research?

A) Both are identical in naturE)

B) Methods are concerned with how one conducts a given piece of research.

C) Methodologies are concerned with how one conducts a given piece of research.

D) Methodologies are concerned with the perspectives one brings to bear on one’s work.

E) Methods are concerned with the perspectives one brings to bear on one’s work.

Choose the correct option:

1) A, D and E

2) B, C and E

3) A and C

4) B and D

Answer: 4) B and D

According to the English Subject Centre report, skills needed for postgraduate work in English include

A) Searching skills in libraries

B) Editorial skills

C) Bibliographic skills

D) Peer management skills

E) IT skills

Choose the correct option:

1) A, C and D

2) B, C, D and E

3) A, B and D

4) A, B, C and E

Answer: 3) A, B and D

Which of the following are possible ways of turning a topic into an argument?

A) An argument for or against an existing critic (or critical position) in relation to the author or group of works one is studying.

B) An argument about the value of a new theoretical approach to a text or set of texts.

C) An argument about some historical or literary-historical aspect of literaturE)

D) An argument showing how a particular theme or concept is not at all related to a group of texts.

E) An argument about the significance of only well-known author/work.

Choose the correct option:

1) A, B and C

2) B, C, D and E

3) A, C and D

4) A, B, C and D

Answer: 1) A, B and C

A structured interview consists of

1) A series of pre-determined questions.

2) A series of pre-determined questions along with questions asked at the time of the interview.

3) A series of questions on the structure of the research.

4) Questions asked at random

Answer: 1) A series of pre-determined questions.

Which of the following methods is used to study the diversity of human cultures in their particular cultural settings?

1) Visual Method of Study.

2) Archival Method of Research.

3) Discourse Analysis.

4) Ethnography

Answer: 4) Ethnography

Which of the following explains the difference between Conceptual Research and Empirical Research?

1) The former of the two is related to some abstract idea(s) or theory, and the latter relies on experience and observation alone.

2) The former of the two is based on the measurement of quantity or amount, and the latter is concerned with qualitative phenomena.

3) The former of the two includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries, and the latter uses information already available to make a critical evaluation of the material

4) The former aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem, and the latter is concerned mainly with generalizations and formulation of theory.

Answer:1) The former of the two is related to some abstract idea(s) or theory, and the latter relies on experience and observation alone.

What is the standard format for citing a book as per the requirements of the MLA Handbook Eighth Edition?

1) Surname, First name. Title of the Book in italics. Place of Publication: Name of the Publishing House, Year of publication.

2) Surname, First name in initials (Year of Publication). Title of the Book. Place of Publication. Name of the Publishing House.

3) Surname. First name. Title of the Book in italics. Name of the Publishing House, Year of publication.

4) Surname,First name. Title of the Book in italics. Place of Publication: Name of the Publishing House, Year of publication. Print.

Answer:3) Surname. First name. Title of the Book in italics. Name of the Publishing House, Year of publication

Use of broader principles of research underscored by philosophical rationales is termed as:

(1) Research Methods

(2) Research Tools

(3) Research Techniques

(4) Research Methodology

Answer: (4) Research Methodology

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