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500+ Literary Criticism – (400-500+ Questions)

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401. Who thinks that ‘his reputation as a critic rests on sure and lasting foundation’?

(a) T. S. Eliot 

(b) F. R. Leavis

(c) Atkins 

(d) Richards

Ans: b

402. According to Lisideius, the French use rhyme in place of

(a) Poetry 

(b) Prose

(c) Black verse 

(d) Dialogue

Ans: b

403. Drama is ‘a just and lively image of ______’.

(a) Life 

(b) Human nature

(c) Nature scene 

(d) Action of man

Ans: a 

404. The French drama has been preferred by

(a) Neander 

(b) Crities

(c) Lisideius 

(d) Eugenius

Ans: c

405. Who first objected to Wordsworth’s theory of language?

(a) Coleridge 

(b) Keats

(c) Atkins 

(d) FW Bateson

Ans: c

406. Who thinks that the preface is against ‘positive theory of poetic diction current throughout the 18th century’?

(a) Coleridge 

(b) Dereck Roper

(c) Atkins 

(d) FW Bateson

Ans: b

407. Who claimed the preface to be ‘half a child of my own brain’?

(a) Gray 

(b) Collins

(c) Coleridge 

(d) None of these

Ans: c

408. About whom has Dryden  remarked, ‘I admire him but I Love Shakespeare’?

(a) Ben Johnson 

(b) Homer

(c) Chaucer 

(d) Shakespeare

Ans: d 

409. Who of the following was Dryden’s contemporary?

(a) Sir Philip Sydney 

(b) Thomas Rhymer

(c) Pope 

(d) Ben Johnson

Ans: d

410. About whom has Dryden remarked, ‘I admire him but I 

Love Shakespeare’?

(a) Ben Johnson 

(b) Homer

(c) Chaucer 

(d) Shakespeare

Ans: d

411. Who of the following was Dryden’s contemporary?

(a) Sir Philip Sydney 

(b) Thomas Rhymer

(c) Pope 

(d) Ben Johnson

Ans: d

412. The central theme of the Essay of Dramatic Poesy is

(a) Justification of English Drama

(b) Rejection of the French Drama

(c) Reject Aristotle

(d) Praise Chaucer

Ans: a

413. Who declared that for Wordsworth ‘Imagination was 

the most important gift that a poet can have’?

(a) CM Bowra 

(b) Coleridge

(c) Arnold 

(d) Atkins

Ans: b

Criticism and Theory

414. Wordsworth calls poetry ‘the breath and finer spirit 


(a) Humanity 

(b) All knowledge

(c) Emotions 

(d) Experiences

Ans: b

415. There neither is, nor can there be, any essential difference between the language of prose and

(a) Poetry

(b) Poetic composition

(c) Verse

(d) None of these

Ans:  c

416. Who thinks that the preface is not a ‘tactful writing’?

(a) Dereck Roper 

(b) Atkins

(c) Scott James 

(d) Saintsbury

Ans: c 

417. Who says that, ‘every great poet is a teacher’?

(a) Wordsworth 

(b) Coleridge

(c) Keats 

(d) Pope

Ans: a

418. Who has praised Eliot for his gift of phrasing?

(a) Sampson 

(b) Atkins

(c) Clive bell 

(d) Garrod

Ans: a

419. What is Eliot’s opinion about Aristotle?

(a) Artificial ideas 

(b) Perfect critics

(c) Theorist 

(d) None of these

Ans: b

420. What is Eliot’s opinion about Aristotle?

(a) Artificial ideas 

(b) Perfect critics

(c) Theorist 

(d) None of these

Ans: b

421. ‘ A poem should not mean but be’ is found in

(a) William Empson’s seven types of Ambiguity

(b) William K. Wimsatt’s the verbal leon

(c) Anglo-African criticism

(d) None of the above

Ans: b

422. New criticism is applied to

(a) Anglo- American criticism

(b) Indian- English criticism

(c) Anglo-African criticism

(d) None of these

Ans: a

423. ‘ A poem should not mean but be’ is found in

(a) William Empson’s seven types of Ambiguity

(b) William K. Wimsatt’s the verbal leon

(c) Anglo-African criticism

(d) None of the above

Ans: b

425. Match the following.

List 1 List 2

(a) William Wordsworth   1. The study of poetry

(b) B.S.T. Coleridge    2. The biographic literia

(c) Mathew Arnold     3. The lyrical ballads

(d) T.S. Eliot            4. Tradition and 

individual talent



(b) 3 2 1 4

(b) 1 2 3 4

(c) 2 1 3 4

(d) 3 4 2 1

Ans: b

426. Who among the following theorists formulated the concept of the utile dulci, profit combined with delight?

(a) Plato 

(b) Aristotle

(c) Horace 

(d) Longinus

Ans: c

427. ‘The best poetry will be found to have a power of forming, sustaining and delighting us’. This assertion implies

(a) Poetry is more useful than other arts

(b) All other arts including poetry have their 


(c) Poetry has multiple functions to perform

(d) Poetry has no role to play

Ans: c

428. I. A. Richards’ famous experiment with poems and his  Cambridge students is detailed in practical criticism: 

a study of literary judgement (1929). Richards was 

astonished by

(a) The very astute remarks made by his students

(b) The poor quality of his student’s stock responses

(c) The non-availability of poems, worthy of classroom attention

(d) The success of his experiment

Ans: b

429. ‘Poetic License’ means

(a) Liberty with diction, alone

(b) Liberty with diction and norms of common 


(c) Liberty with historical truth

(d) Liberty with representation of fictional characters

Ans: b

UPDATE: Now, you can get set of two booklets: 500+ Literary Criticism & 1000+ Literary Theory And Cultural Studies MCQs in booklet/hardcopy format. Click here to know more.

430. ‘Linguistic freedom’ is

(a) Freedom with diction, newly-coined words, syntax

(b) Freedom with the use of colloquial language

(c) Freedom with the use of figurative construction

(d) Freedom with literal truth

Ans: a

431. D. H. Lawrence was a pioneer of

(a) Stream of consciousness novel

(b) Psychoanalytical fiction

(c) Psychological fiction

(d) Imagism fiction

Ans: c

432. D. H. Lawrence was greatly influenced by

(a) Freud 

(b) Marx

(c) Darwin 

(d) Aristotle

Ans: a

433. What is meant by rhetoric?

(a) Art of using language effectively or impressively

(b) Using language for exaggeration

(c) Using language musically

(d) Using language metaphorically

Ans: a

434. Who said, ‘The preface to Lyrical Ballads’ explains the poetic process of the type of poetry only Wordsworth wrote?

(a) I. A. Richard 

(b) F. R. Leavis

(c) Coleridge 

(d) Baker

Ans: b

435. Who pleaded for ‘High-seriousness’ in literature?

(a) Matthew Arnold 

(b) William Wordsworth

(c) John Dryden 

(d) T. S. Eliot

Ans: a

436. Who is stated to have said, ‘Criticism is the art of interpreting art?

(a) Dryden 

(b) Arnold

(c) Walter Pater 

(d) Eliot

Ans: c

437. Who is believed to have said, ‘what criticism undertakes is the profitable discussion of literature’?

(a) Eliot 

(b) F. R. Leavis

(c) Middleton Murry 

(d) Chatterton

Ans: c

438. Who among the following is the pioneer of new criticism?

(a) T. S. Eliot 

(b) I. A. Richards

(c) F. R. Leavis 

(d) Allan Tate

Ans: b

439. The principles of literary criticism is written by

(a) T. S. Eliot 

(b) I. A. Richards

(c) F. R. Leavis 

(d) R. P. Blackmur

Ans: b

440. Which of the following books introduced the term new criticism?

(a) I. A. Richard’s the Principles of Literary Criticism

(b) F. R. Leavis’s The Great tradition

(c) T. S. Eliot The Sacred Wood

(d) John Crowe Ransom’s book The New Criticism

Ans: c

441. In which essay has Eliot rejected the poems of Milton and Dryden as artificial?

(a) On Milton

(b) The metaphysical poets

(c) The study of poetry

(d) Traditional and individual talent

Ans: a

442. What is Eliot’s most significant contribution to critical analysis and judgment?

(a) Objective correlative

(b) Association of sensibilities

(c) Dissociation of sensibilities

(d) None of the above

Ans: a

443. In which poet does Eliot find the unification of sensibilities to a greater extent?

(a) Metaphysical poets

(b) Romantic poets

(c) Classical poets

(d) Modern poets

Ans: a

444. The Defence of Poetry is written by………….

a. Coleridge

b. Shelley 

c. Wordsworth 

d. Keats

Ans: b

445. Keats introduced the concept ………… to English literature 

a. negative capability 

b. objective correlative 

c. Sprung rhythm

d. dissociation of sensibility

Ans: a

446. The Prelude begins and ends with Wordsworth’s childhood at………….

a. Cambridge 

b. Cumberland

c. Salisbury

d. North Wales

Ans: b

447. Coleridge introduced the idea of……….

a. Negative Capability 

b. Willing Suspension of Disbelief

c. Objective Correlative

d. Egotistical Sublime

Ans: b

448. Biography Literaria published in 1817 was originally conceived in 1814 as a preface to…………

a. Lyrical Ballads

b. Table Talk

c. Philosophical View of Reform 

d. Sibylline Leaves

Ans : a

449. Essay of dramatic Poesy is a dialogue between four speakers in which Dryden is represented by……..

a. Eugenius 

b. Crites

c. Neander 

d. Lisideius

Ans: c

Criticism and Theory

450. Preface to Lyrical Ballads can be regarded as………

a. The Manifesto of the Romantic Movement in British Literature 

b. The first study of Romantic poetry in English 

c. A critical analysis of pre-Romantic poetry in English

d. All of the above

Ans: a

451. In his explanation of the sublime Longinus places emphasis on the great spirit of the 

a. Text

b. Art

c. Writer

d. Nature

Ans: d

452. Keats’ Negative Capability was used to describe the artistic genius of………..

a. Milton 

b. Shakespeare

c. Wordsworth 

d. Spenser

Ans: a

453. Eliot in “Tradition and the individual talent” feels that 

I. Tradition is inherited 

II. Tradition cannot be inherited 

III. Tradition has to be obtained through great labour

IV. Tradition involves the historical sense

a. I, II, IV only

b. I, II, III only

c. II, III, IV only

d. I, III, IV only

Ans: b

454. I. A Richards explained his theory of criticism by evaluating poetry using the…………method

a. Multiple choice Questionairre 

b. Class testing 

c. Group discussion 

d. Close reading

Ans: d

455. Different Rasas are created by………..

a. Natyas

b. Bhava

c. Shruti 

d. Pallavi

Ans: a

456. The theory of sphota was adopted by……… to read poetics

a. Anandhavardana

b. Dandin

c. Panini

d. Vamana

Ans: a

457. Lyrical Ballads was published in……..

a. 1798

b. 1793

c. 1789

d. 1785

Ans: a

458. …………. was the first to use the expression ‘ negative capability’. 

a. Keats

b. Wordsworth

c. Coleridge

d. Shelley

Ans: a

459. Which of the following statement is/are correct?

1. Eliot believed that tradition acted strongly even in poets who are considered avant-garde.

2. Eliot asserted that tradition cannot be taking as a lump. 

3.Eliot believed that escape from emotion, not overflow of emotion was a poet’s creed. 

4. For Eliot objective correlative referred to the way emotion is represented.

a. statements 2,3 and 4 are correct.

b. statements 1 and 2 are correct. 

c. only statement 1 is correct.

d. All statements are correct

Ans: d

460. Dhvanyaloka is a critical treatise by………. 

a. Anandhavardhana

b. Kunthaka

c. Bhamaha

d. Patanjali

Ans: a

461. The theory of Sphota was formulated by……… 

a. Patanjali

b. Bhartrhari

c. Panini

d. Bhamaha

Ans: b

462. William Wordsworth wrote the ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads’ because he wished to:

I. justify living amidst nature

II. create a revolution

III. put forth new guidelines for the writing of poetry. 

IV. Justify philosophical and emotional involvement with daily life. 

a. I and II only

b. III and  IV only

c. II and III  only

d. I and  IV  only

Ans: d

Criticism and Theory

463. “The greeks called him ‘a poet’, which name hath, as the most excellent, gone through other languages. It cometh of this word Poiein, which is ” to make”: wherein, I know not whether by luck or wisdom, we Englishmen have met with the Greeks in calling him ‘a maker’:  which name, how high and incomparable a title it is, I had rather were known by marking the scope of other sciences than by my partial allegation”. This is a statement in 

a. Dr Johnson’s Preface to Shakespeare

b. Phillips Sidney’s Apology for poetry 

c. Longinus On the Sublime

d. Aristotle’s Poetics

Ans: b

464. Why does Matthew Arnold in The Function of Criticism state that , “the English poetry of the first quarter of the century, with plenty of energy, plenty of creative force, did not know enough”? 

a. because the poets did not read enough

b. because there was no National glow of life and thought 

c. because there was a lack of culture 

d. because there was no force of learning and criticism

a. I, II and III only

b. III, IV and  II only

c. III  and II only

d. All the above

Ans: b

465. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. 

…………and ………..life was generally chosen, because, in that condition, the essential………….of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity, are less under restraint, and speaker a plainer and more emphatic language;

a. Ordinary, uneventful,  feelings 

b. Simple, frugal, emotions 

c. Humble, rustic, passions 

d. Modest, everyday, sentiments

Ans: c

466. The term used in criticism to “identify a deliberate poetic device: the use of a single word or expression to signify two or more distinct references, or to express two or more diverse attitudes or feelings is called………….

a. Portmanteau

b. Ambiguity 

c. Paradox 

d. Pun

Ans: b

467. These critics oppose the violation of overly politics sized and often abstruse theory into the field of literary imagination and the use of identity politics. They feel that the importance of literary imagination and creativity is marginalised by such theorizing. Which school of critics are we talking about? 

a. Cultural Theory Critics 

b. Identity theorist 

c. Liberal Humanist Critics 

d. New Critics

Ans: c

468. Match the Sanskrit term of rasa with the closest English equivalent:

I. Hasya         a. repulsive/ disgust

II. Bibhatsa    b. marvelous/ amazing 

III. Adbhuta    c. compassion/ sympathy

IV. Karuna      d. humorous/ comic

a. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4 c

b. I c, 2a, 3b, 4d 

c. 1b, 2d, 3c, 4a

d. 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b

Ans: d

469. Match the Theorist and the Theory:

I. Aucitya                         a. Anandavardhan 

II. Vakrokti                       b. Bharatrhari 

III. DhvaniSiddhantha   c. Kshemendra

IV. Sphoto                        d. kuntaka

a. I d, II a, III b, IV c

b. I c, II a, III b, IV d

c. I c, II d, III a, IV b

d. I c, II a, III d, IV b

Ans: d

470. The purgation of Pity and terror through art is known as 

a. Hamartia 

b. Catharsis 

c. Mimesis 

d. Anagnorisis

Ans: b

471. The distinction between ‘fancy’ and ‘imagination’ is discussed in :

a. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

b. Biographia Literaria

c. De Profundis

d. Preface to the Fables

Ans: b

472. The theory of the impersonality of the poet was put forward by:

a. Samuel T. Coleridge 

b. Samuel Johnson 

c. T, S Eliot

d. W.S. Merwin

Ans: c

473. The vakroti siddhantha was postulated by:

a. Bharat

b. Kuntaka

c. Anandavardana

d. Abhinavgupta

Ans: b

474. Wordsworth has said that poetry is the ‘ spontaneous overflow of powerful……. 

a. emotions

b. things

c. reflections

d. recollections

Ans: a

475. Hamartia literally means;

a. Purgation

b. Revenge

c. Error of Judgement

d. Pity

Ans: c

476. Which English poet defined poetry as criticism of life? 

a. Shelley

b. Arnold

c. Tennyson

d. Lawrence

Ans: b

476. The phrase “stream of consciousness” was used by……………in his principles of psychology (1890) 

a. Sigmund Freud

b. William James 

c. C. G Jung

d. D. H. Lawrence

Ans: d

477. In aristotle’s poetics we read that it is the imitation of an action that is complete and whole, and of a certain magnitude…. having a beginning, middle and an end. What is it?

a. Poetry

b. Force 

c. Epic 

d. Tragedy

Ans: b

478. The purgation of pity and terror through art is k…

The purgation of pity and terror through art is known as :

a. Hamartia

b. Catharsis

c. Mimesis

d. Anagnorisis

Ans: b

Criticism and Theory

479. The vakroti siddhantha was postulated by:

a. Bharata

b. Kuntaka

c. Anandavardana

d. Abhinavagupta

Ans: a

480. The distinction between fancy and imagination is discussed in 

a. preface to the lyrical ballads

b. biography literaria 

c. De profundis

d. Preface to the Fables

Ans: c

481. The theory of impersonality of the poet was put forward by:

a. Samuel T. Coleridge

b. Samuel Johnson

c. T. S Eliot

d. W. S Merwin

Ans: b

482. The concept of aucitya was discussed by:

a. Vamana

b. Mammata

c. Kshemendra

d. Dhandi

Ans: a

483. Art for Art’s sake is the cardinal doctrine of :

a. Aestheticism

b. Comp-art-mentalism

c. Expressionism

d. Purism

Ans: a

484. The objective correlative is a concept explored by TS Eliot in th me essay:

a. Tradition and the Individual Talent

b. The Function of Criticism

c. The Problem of Hamlet

d. Hamlet and His Problems

Ans: d

485. In Bhartrhari’s view, the word or the sentence taken as a single meaningful unit is :

a. vak

b. vachan

c. slesha

d. sphota

Ans: d

486. The deviations that make an utterance poetic are studied in….. 

a. alamkara

b. anumana

c. riti

d. vakroti

Ans: c

487. The poet who declared that criticism is ‘a disinterested endeavour…… to learn and propagate the best….. and….. to establish a current of fresh and true ideas’:

a. Dryden

b. Coleridge

c. Arnold 

d. Auden

Ans: c

488. Who is the originator of the Theory of Imitation in literature?





Ans: d

489. Who was the most illustrious disciple of Socrates?




D- Plato

Ans: b

490. From where has the term Oedipus Complex Originated?


B- Oedipus the Rex

 C-Oedipus at Cons


Ans: a

491. Who considers poetry ‘a mother of lies’

(A) Aristotle

(B) Plato

(C) Pope

(D) Stephen Gosson

Ans: b

492. Aristotle’s critical work is entitled:

(A) Ars Poetica

(B) Poetics

(C) De Arte Poetica

(D) Art Poetica

Ans: b

493. Who is the meaning of the term Peripeteia as used by Aristotle in his Theory of Tragedy?

(A) Change in the fortune of the hero from bad to good

(B) Change in the fortune of the hero from good to bad

(C) Constancy in the fortune of the hero

(D) Fluctuations occurring in the fortune of the hero

Ans: a

494. What is denouement?

(A) The ending of a tragedy

(B) The ending of a comedy

(C) The climax in a tragedy

(D) The climax in a comedy

Ans: c

496. Who made a difference between ‘poetry’ and ‘poem’

(A) Coleridge

(B) Addison

(C) Arnold

(D) Eliot

Ans: a

497. Who was the most illustrious pupil of Plato?

(A) Aristotle

(B) Longinus

(C) Aristophanes

(D) Socrates

Ans: a

498. Who is the author of the notorious book entitled The School of Abuse?

(A) Roger Ascham

(B) Stephen Hawes

(C) John Skelton

(D) Stephen Gosson

Ans: d

499. An Elizabethan Puritan critic denounced the poets as ‘fathers of lies’, ‘schools of

abuse’, and ‘caterpillars of a commonwealth’. Mark him out from the following critics:

(A) William Tyndale

(B) Roger Ascham

(C) Stephen Gosson

(D) Henry Howard

Ans: c

500. Philip Sidney’s Apologie for Poetrie is a defence of poetry against the charges brought

against it by:

(A) Henry Howard

(B) Roger Ascham

(C) John Skelton

(D) Stephen Gosson

Ans: d

501-Longinus declares that sublime please all and

A-Pleases always

B-Please forever

C-Pleases everywhere


Ans: a

502- What does Longinus mean by ‘Puerility’?

A-Pedantic conceit




Ans: a

503- What does Longinus mean by ‘Puerility’?

A-Pedantic conceit




Ans: a

504-What is the other title of An Apologie for poetry given to it by another publisher?

A- The Defence of Poesie


C-Essay on Criticism


Ans : a

505-Who had objected to the greatness of poetry in the days of Sidney?


B- Gosson



Ans: b

506-Which classical critic, does Eliot resemble most of all?





Ans : a

507-Who thinks that the preface is not tactful writing?



C-Dereck Roper


Ans: c

508- Who remarks that there abide these three. Aristotle Longinus and Coleridge?




D- None


509-Which edition of Lyrical Ballads is considered to be a standard critical document?



C- 1815


Ans: c

510-In the opinion of Dryden, which works is the greatest noblest and most sublime

A- Aneid

B-Canterbury Tales


D- Paradise Lost

Ans: d

Criticism and Theory

511-If he had seen ours, might have changed his mind who is he in this remark?





Ans: a

512-The central theme of the Essay of Dramatic Poesy is

A-Justification of English Drama

B-Rejection of French drama

C-Accept Ancient Drama



513-Drama is a just and lively image of

A- Action of Man 

B- Human Nature



Ans: b

514-Which English poet has been most objected to by Lisideius?

A- Farce



D- Tragic-comedy

Ans: d

515- The greatest weakness of English drama is its violation of

A-Real Character

B-Three Unities

C-Historical Truth



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