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500+ Literary Criticism – (1-100 Questions)

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1. The line “Poetry is a criticism of life” occurs in:

(A) Culture and Anarchy

(B) Modern Painters

(C) The Study of Poetry

(D) Sartor Resartus

Ans: C

2. New Criticism considers text as a:

(A) Cultural construct

(B) Historical construct

(C) Linguistic construct

(D) Autotelic

Ans: D

Criticism and Theory

3. Eliot’s theory of “objective correlative” appeared in his essay entitled:

(A) Three voices of Poetry

(B) Tradition and the Individual Talent

(C) The Metaphysical Poets

(D) Hamlet

Ans: D

4. Dr. Johnson’s The Lives of The Poets is an example of:

(A) Psychological criticism

(B) Biographical criticism

(C) Historical criticism

(D) Archetypal criticism

Ans: B

5. The soul of tragedy, according to Aristotle is:

(A) Thought

(B) Character

(C) Plot

(D) Spectacle

Ans: C

6. Shakespeare criticism by:

(A) Spurgeon – T.S. Eliot -Stephen Greenblatt – Bradley

(B) Bradley – Spurgeon – T.S. Eliot – Stephen Greenblatt

(C) T.S. Eliot – Stephen Greenblatt – Bradley – Spurgeon

(D) Stephen Greenblatt – Bradley – T.S. Eliot – Spurgeon

Ans: B

7. Mimetic criticism views literary work as:

(A) personalisation

(B) depersonalization

(C) imitation

(C) imitation

(D) interpretation

Ans: C

8. Choose the correct chronological sequence in question numbers:

(A) Negative capability, sublime, dissociation of sensibility, heteroglossia

(B) Sublime, negative capability, heteroglossia, dissociation of sensibility

(C) Sublime, negative capability, dissociation of sensibility, heteroglossia

(D) Heteroglossia, dissociation of sensibility, sublime, negative capability

Ans: C

9. Coleridge statement that imagination “dissolves, diffuses, dissipates in order to recreate” relates to:

(A) fancy

(B) primary imagination

(C) secondary imagination

(D) esemplastic imagination

Ans: C

10. “Peripetia” means:

(A) purgation of emotion

(A) purgation of emotion

(B) tragic flaw

(C) reversal of fortune

(D) recognition of error

Ans: C

11. Pope’s “Essay on Criticism” sums up the art of poetry as taught first by:

(A) Aristotle

(B) Horace

(C) Longinus

(C) Longinus

(D) Plato

Ans: B

12. The quotation “a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of

creation in the infinite I AM” appears in:

(A) Lyrical Ballads

(B) Biographia Literaria

(C) “In Defense of Poetry”

(D) Letters of Keats

Ans: B

13. The quotation “when a man is capable of being in uncertainties,

mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reasons” is a definition of:

(A) Negative capability

(B) Secondary imagination

(C) Criticism of life

(D) Dissociation of sensibility

Ans: A

14. “Hamartia” means:

(A) reversal of fortunes

(B) purgation of emotions

(C) depravity

(D) error of judgement

Ans: D

15. The author of Ars Poetica is:

(A) Plato

(B) Horace

(C) Virgil

(D) Aristotle

Ans: B

16. Which of the following is not a work by Dr. Johnson:

(A) Preface to the English Dictionary

(B) Preface to Shakespeare

(C) Lives of English Poets

(D) Cowley

Ans: D

17. Which modern critic described value judgements as ‘the donkey’s carrot of

literary criticism’?

(A) T. S. Eliot

(B) I. A. Richards

(C) William Empson

(D) Northrop Frye

Ans: D

18.’Anagnorisis’ is a term used by Aristotle for describing:

(A) The moment of discovery by the protagonist

(B) The reversal of fortune for the protagonist

(C) The happy resolution of the plot

(D) The convergence of the main plot and the sub plot

Ans: A

19. “Poetry is a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism

by laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty”. Who, among the following, made

the above statement?

(A) Dr. Johnson

(B) Sidney

(C) Matthew Arnold

(D) Wordsworth

Ans: C

20. The most obvious feature of Johnson’s The Lives of the Poets is the

equipoise between:

(A) Language and form

(B) Style and content

(C) Biography and criticism

(C) Biography and criticism

(D) Myth and archetype

Ans: C

21. Anti-sentimental comedy is a criticism of:

(A) loss of moral purpose

(B) excess of emotion

(C) excess of reason

(D) loss of human feelings

Ans: B

22. ‘Formal Criticism’ relates to the structure of:

(A) Literary devices

(B) Myths

(C) Content

(D) Form

Ans: A

23. In formalistic school of criticism art is:

(A) entertainment

(B) preaching

(C) matter

(C) matter

(D) style

Ans: D

UPDATE: Now, you can get set of two booklets: 500+ Literary Criticism & 1000+ Literary Theory And Cultural Studies MCQs in booklet/hardcopy format. Click here to know more.

24. The phrase disassociation of sensibility was first used by:

(A) Philip Sydney

(B) T. S. Eliot

(C) John Dryden

(D) Mathew Arnold

Ans: B

25. Philip Sidney wrote An Apology for Poetry in immediate response to

(A) Plato’s Republic

(B) Aristotle’s Poetics

(B) Aristotle’s Poetics

(C) Stephen Gosson’s The School of Abuse

(D) Jeremy Collier’s Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage.

Ans: C

26. Assertion (A): Dr Johnson’s The Lives of the Poets carries critical and

biographical studies of poets he admired. It does not, however, carry a life of

William Wordsworth.

Reason (R): Dr Johnson singled out poets whom he not only admired but also adored. This explains his omission of Wordsworth.

(A) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.

(B) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(C) (A) and (R) are true.

(D) Neither (A) nor (R) is true.

Ans: D

27. In a 1817 review of Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria, Francis Jeffrey coined

the term ‘Lake School of Poets’ grouping…

(A) Wordsworth, Coleridge and Crabbe

(B) Wordsworth, Coleridge and Byron

(C) Wordsworth, Coleridge and Hazlitt

(D) Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey

Ans: D

28. The phrase ‘the willing suspension of disbelief’ occurs in

(A) Biographia Literaria

(B) Preface to Lyrical Ballads

(C) In Defence of Poetry

(D) Poetics

Ans: A

29. What is the following a description of? ‘A loose sally of the mind; an irregular indigested piece’

(A) Essay

(B) Autobiography

(C) Epistolary Fiction

(D) Diary

Ans: A

30. What does the phrase ut pictura poesis from Horace’s Art of Poetry mean ?

(A) “as in painting, so in poetry”.

(B) “poetry beggars pictorial description” .

(C) “as in poetry, so in painting” .

(D) “picture above all poetry” .

Ans: A

31. Who distinguished between 11the literature of Knowledge” and “the literature of power” ?

(A) Coleridge

(B) De Quincey

(C) Hazlitt

(D) Lamb

(D) Lamb

Ans: B

32. The line”Poetry is a criticism of life” occurs in :

(A) Culture and Anarchy

(B) Modern Painters

(C) The Study of Poetry

(D) Sartor Resartus

Ans: C

33. Alexander Pope’s An Essay in Criticism :

(a) Purports to define “wit” and “nature” as they apply to the literature of his age.

(b) Claims no originality in the thought that governs this work.

(c) is a prose essay that gives us such quotes as “A little learning is a

dangerous thing !”

(d) Appeared in 1701.

(A) (c) and (d) are incorrect.

(B) (a) and (b) are incorrect.

(C) (a) to (d) are correct.

(D) only (a) and (d) are correct.

Ans: Marks given to all

34. Eliot’s theory of “objective correlative” appeared in his essay entitled :

(A) Three voices of Poetry

(B) Tradition and the Individual Talent

(C) The Metaphysical Poets

(D) Hamlet

Ans: D

35. Jeremy Collier’s Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the

English Stage (1698) attacked ______.

(A) the practice of mixing tragic and comic themes in Shakespeare’s plays.

(B) the bawdiness of “low” characters in Shakespeare’s plays.

(C) the coarseness and ugliness of Restoration Theatre.

(D) irreligious themes and irreverent attitudes in the plays of the

seventeenth century.

Ans: C

36. One of the most important themes the speakers debate in Dryden’s An

Essay on Dramatic Poesy is______.

(A) European and non-European perceptions of reality.

(B) English and non-English perceptions of reality.

(C) the relative merits of French and English theatre.

(D) the relative merits of French and English poetry.

Ans: C

37. The author of the book observes “I have attempted, through the medium

of biography, to present some Victorian visions to the modern eye”. The

four main characters in this book are Cardinal Manning, Florence

Nightingale, Dr. Arnold and General Gordon. Who is this author?

(A) Mathew Arnold

(B) Robert Browning

(C) Lytton Strachey

(D) Oscar Wilde

Ans: C

38. In his attack delivered on the theatre in A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, Jeremy Collier specially arraigned ______ and _______.

(A) Congreve and Vanbrugh

(B) Farquhar and Vanbrugh

(C) Wycherley and Farquhar

(D) Congreve and Etherege

Ans: A

39. Virginia Woolf borrowed the idea of the common reader from Dr. Johnson. To which particular work of Johnson’s does she remain indebted?

(A) The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Milton

(B) The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Gray

(C) Preface to Shakespeare

(D) The Patriot

Ans: B

40. In his 1817 review of Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria, Francis Jeffrey grouped the following poets together as the ‘Lake School of Poets’:

(A) Keats, Wordsworth and Coleridge

(B) Wordsworth, Byron and Coleridge

(C) Blake, Wordsworth and Coleridge

(D) Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey

Ans: D

41. In Aristotle’s Poetics we read that it is the imitation of an action that is complete and whole, and of a certain magnitude….having a beginning, a middle, and an end’. What is ‘it’?

(A) Tragedy

(B) Epic

(C) Poetry

(D) Farce

Ans: A

42.  Which of the following characters finds that complete happiness is elusive and that “while you are making the choice of life, you neglect to live” ?

(A) Lovelace in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa

(B) Rasselas in Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas

(C) Matthew Bramble in Tobias Smollett’s Humphry Clinker

(D) Harley in Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling

Ans: B

43. Who among the following wrote a book with the title The Age of Reason ?

(A) William Godwin

(B) Edmund Burke

(C) Thomas Paine

(D) Edward Gibbon

Ans: (C)

44. _______ is a theological term brought into literary criticism by _______.

(A) Entelechy, St. Augustine

(B) Ambiguity, William Empson

(C) Adequation, Fr Walter Ong

(D) Epiphany, James Joyce

Ans: D

45. The word “Catharsis” signifies :

(A) Pontification

(B) Personification

(C) Purgation

(D) Publication

Ans: C

46. According to Matthew Arnold, ‘touchstones’ help us test truth and seriousness that constitute the best poetry. What are the ‘touchstones’?

(A) The purple passages of lyric poetry

(B) Passages from ancient poets

(C) The lines and expressions of the great masters

(D) Passages of epic strength and vigour

Ans: C

47. Pope’s ‘Essay on Man’ can best be read as a poem of :

(A) classical understanding of nature

(B) anti-romantic view of life

(C) sociological estimate of man

(D) philosophical apprehension of life

Ans: D

48. Virginia Woolf rubbished the idea of character and the understanding

of realism of writers like Arnold Bennett, John Galsworthy and H.G. Wells. Her famous essay is called ‘Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Brown’. Who is

Mrs. Brown?

(A) The name Woolf gives a woman whom she happens to meet in a


(B) A servant in Mr. Bennett’s household.

(C) A character in a Bennett story.

(D) Mr. Bennett’s neighbour who happens to be a writer.

Ans: A

49. D.H. Lawrence uses the expression ‘a bright book of life’ to describe

(A) The novel

(B) The dramatic monologue

(C) The Bible

(D) The short lyric

Ans: A

50. The term “Stream of Consciousness” was taken from the book :

(A) The Human Mind

(B) The Principles of Psychology

(C) The Mind of Man

(D) Modes of Human Behaviour

Ans: B

51. Which of the following works by Johnson is an imitation of the tenth satire of Juvenal ?

(A) London

(B) Vanity of Human Wishes

(C) The Life of Savage

(D) Rasselas

Ans: B

Criticism and Theory

52. Nothing odd will do long. ______ did not last long.” Dr. Johnson had this to say about one of the eighteenth-century novels. Identify it from the following list:

(A) Tom Jones

(B) The Female Quixote

(C) Tristram Shandy

(D) Clarissa

Ans: C

53. Ben Jonson disliked


I. fantastic comedy

II. Wide-ranging chronicle-history and stupendous tragedy

III. The comedies of Terence and Plautus

IV. The ability of satire to expose human vices and follies

The correct combination according to the code is:

(A) I and III are correct.

(B) III and IV are correct.

(C) I and IV are correct.

(D) I and II are correct.

Ans: D

54. According to Longinus, the sublime has the following features except:

(A) It is the essence of all great poetry and oratory.

(B) It is interested in the usual rhetorical goal of persuasion.

(C) It valorizes a special use of language.

(D) It is a matter of reader-response.

Ans: B

55. The issue of privileging speech over writing was taken up for discussion in Plato’s :

(A) Ion

(B) Republic Book III

(C) Republic Book X

(D) Phaedrus

Ans: D

56. Though Coleridge refers to “Motivehunting of a motiveless malignity”, the “human villain” Iago is far from “motiveless”. His motives are

I. He has been disappointed of military promotion.

II. He suspects Othello of cuckolding him

III. He has been in love with Desdemona

IV. He wants to become Othello.

Find the most appropriate combination according to the code :

(A) I and II are correct

(B) I and III are correct

(C) I and IV are correct

(D) II and IV are correct

Ans: A

57. What is Johnson’s opinion regarding the “Violation” of the three unities in the plays of Shakespeare?

I. Shakespeare should have followed the Unities.

II. Shakespeare followed the important Unity of Action satisfactorily.

III. Shakespeare’s plays suffered because they did not follow the Unities.

IV. Unity of Time and Place arise from false assumptions.

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) II and IV are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) I and III are correct

Ans: (B)

58. “No man is truly great, who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history. Nothing can be said to be great that has a distinct limit, or that borders on something evidently greater than itself. Besides, what is shortlived and pampered into mere notoriety, is

of a gross and vulgar quality in itself.” This passage describing the quality of greatness is taken from

(A) “Of studies” by Francis Bacon

(B) “The Indian Jugglers” by William Hazlitt

(C) Preface to Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson

(D) An Essay of Dramatic Poesy by John Dryden

Ans: B

59. “Nature and Nature’s Laws lay hid in Night, God said Let Newton be! And all was Light.” Alexander Pope’s famous couplet impressively captures.

(A)Newton’s confirmation of the Genesis passage where God ordains


(B)Newton’s empirical observations of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia


(C)Newton’s application of principles of motion to account for many

natural phenomena

(D)Newton’s discovery that all colors are contained in white light

Ans: D

60. In which of the following volumes do you find a charming appreciation of the Wordsworth household by Thomas de Quincey?

(A) The Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

(B) Lives and Letters, Far Away and Long Ago

(C) Notes on My Lake Country Evenings

(D) Reminiscences of the English Lake Poets

Ans: D

61. I suffered from impaired eye-sight, depression and poverty and left Oxford without a degree. After a period as a teacher and my marriage to a widow twice my age, I left for London, to begin writing for a magazine, I produced my own journal.” Choose the correct answer, identifying the writer, the magazine and the journal.

(A)John Milton, The Examiner’s Magazine, London Magazine

(B)Joseph Addison, The Freeholder, The Tatler

(C)Richard Steele, The Guardian, The Spectator

(D)Samuel Johnson, The Gentlemen’s Magazine, The Rambler

Ans: D

62. In John Dryden’s Essay on Dramatic Poesy Neander defends the English invention of __________.

(A) romantic comedy

(B) action tragedy

(C) tragi-comedy

(D) morality plays

Ans: C

63. Pope’s An Essay on Man is based on the ideas of :

(A) Lord Petrie

(B) Theobald

(C) Lord Bolingbroke

(D) Lord Harvey

Ans: C

64. In the seventeenth century,” writes T. S. Eliot in “The Metaphysical Poets,” “a dissociation of sensibility set in, from which we have never recovered; and this dissociation, as is natural, was aggravated by the influence of the two most powerful poets of the century,

___________and __________.

(A) Ben Jonson and Abraham Cowley

(B) George Herbert and Henry Vaughan

(C) John Donne and Andrew Marvell

(D) John Milton and John Dryden

Ans: D

65. The term ‘poetic justice’ was coined by .

(A) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

(B) Thomas Rymer

(C) Samuel Johnson

(D) William Wordsworth

Ans: B

Criticism and Theory

66. Where there is leisure for fiction, there is little grief., was Samuel Johnson’s criticism of a famous poem. Which poem was it?

(A) P.B. Shelley’s “Adonais”

(B) Philip Sidney`s “Astrophel and Stella”

(C) Thomas Gray`s “Elegy Written on a Country Churchyard”

(D) John Miltion`s “Lycidas”

Ans: D

67. How all their plays be neither right tragedies, nor right comedies, mingling kings and elowns, not because the matter so carrieth it, hut thrust in the clown by head and shoulders to play a part in majestical matters. What term does Philip Sidney use to characterize such plays and which of the unities of Aristotle do they violate ?

(A) mongrel tragicomedy; unity of action

(B) mixed tragedies; unity of action

(C) multi-plot drama; unity of time

(D) mingled yarn; unity of place

Ans: A

68. Identify the critics and their respective works :

(A) Horace – Ars Poetica Aristotle – Poetics Quintillian – Institutio

Oratoria Ben Jonson – Discoveries Sidney – An Apology for Poetry

Dryden – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

(B) Horace – Poetics Aristotle – Ars Poetica Quintillian – On the sublime

Longinus – Discoveries Ben Jonson – Institutio Oratoria Sidney – An

Essay of Dramatic Poesy Dryden – An Apology for Poetry

(C) Horace – On the sublime Aristotle – Poetics Quintillian – Discoveries

Longinus – Institutio Oratoria Ben Jonson – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

Sidney – Ars Poetica Dryden – An Apology for Poetry

(D) Horace – Ars Poetica Aristotle – Poetics Quintillian – Institutio

Oratoria Longinus – On the Sublime Ben Jonson – An Apology for

Poetry Sidney – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy Dryden – Discoveries

Ans: A

69. In his Introduction to The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English  Verse (1973), Philip Larkin underlines the importance of a native tradition with seen as the major poet of the Modern Period.

(A)William Butler Yeats

(B) T.S. Eliot

(C) Thomas Hardy

(D) D.H. Lawrence

Ans: C

70. Philip Sidney defended poetry against such descriptions of it as “the mother of lies” and “the nurse of abuse.” His main argument here is.

(A) The poet is no conjuror or illusionist and represents a world.

(B) The poet cannot lie because he is not claiming to tell us the truth.

(C) The poet cannot speak the truth because he is not representing the

real world.

(D) The poet is a philosopher for whom truth is a lie, and lie truth, in an

imaginary world.

Ans: B

71. In 1668, Dryden wrote Of Dramatic Poesie : An Essay which uses__________ separate characters to dramatise the conflicting viewpoints which new theatrical activity had produced.

(A) three

(B) two

(C) four

(D) six

Ans: C

72. In his famous letter to Benjamin Bailey (November 22, 1817) John Keats wrote : “I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart’s affections and the truth of Imagination – What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth.” Which of the following sentences follows this passage?

(A) Now I am sensible all this is a mere sophistication, however it may

neighbour to any truths, to excuse my own indolence…

(B) The Imagination may be compared to Adam’s dream – he woke and

found it true.

(C) This however I am persuaded of, that nothing beside Imagination

can give us sweet sensations and pleasurable thoughts.

(D) My pains at last some respite shall afford, while I behold the battles

Imagination maintains.

Ans: B

73. Who is the author of the statement : “The nineteenth century dislike of

Realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own face in the glass” ?

(A)Arthur Symons

(B) Benjamin Disraeli

(C) W. B. Yeats

(D) Oscar Wilde

Ans: D

74. Aristotle argued that poetry provides a/an __________ outlet for the release of intense emotions.

(A) safe

(B) dangerous

(C) uncertain

(D) unreliable

Ans: A

75. “Nature and Nature’s Laws lay hid in Night, God said Let Newton be! And all was Light.”

Alexander Pope’s famous couplet impressively captures.

(A)Newton’s confirmation of the Genesis passage where God ordains


(B)Newton’s empirical observations of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia


(C)Newton’s application of principles of motion to account for many

natural phenomena

(D)Newton’s discovery that all colors are contained in white light

Ans: D

76. In which of the following volumes do you find a charming appreciation of the Wordsworth household by Thomas de Quincey?

(A) The Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

(B) Lives and Letters, Far Away and Long Ago

(C) Notes on My Lake Country Evenings

(D) Reminiscences of the English Lake Poets

Ans: D

77. “I suffered from impaired eye-sight, depression and poverty and left Oxford without a degree. After a period as a teacher and my marriage to a widow twice my age, I left for London, to begin writing for a magazine, I produced my own journal.” Choose the correct answer, identifying the writer, the magazine and the journal.

(A)John Milton, The Examiner’s Magazine, London Magazine

(B)Joseph Addison, The Freeholder, The Tatler

(C)Richard Steele, The Guardian, The Spectator

(D)Samuel Johnson, The Gentlemen’s Magazine, The Rambler

Ans: D

78. In John Dryden’s Essay on Dramatic Poesy Neander defends the English invention of __________.

(A) romantic comedy

(B) action tragedy

(C) tragi-comedy

(D) morality plays

Ans: C

79. Pope’s An Essay on Man is based on the ideas of :

(A) Lord Petrie

(B) Theobald

(C) Lord Bolingbroke

(D) Lord Harvey

Ans: C

80. The term ‘poetic justice’ was coined by .

(A) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

(B) Thomas Rymer

(C) Samuel Johnson

(D) William Wordsworth

Ans: B

81. Where there is leisure for fiction, there is little grief., was Samuel Johnson’s criticism of a famous poem. Which poem was it?

(A) P.B. Shelley’s “Adonais”

(B) Philip Sidney`s “Astrophel and Stella”

(C) Thomas Gray`s “Elegy Written on a Country Churchyard”

(D) John Miltion`s “Lycidas”

Ans: D

82. How all their plays be neither right tragedies, nor right comedies, mingling kings and elowns, not because the matter so carrieth it, hut thrust in the clown by head and shoulders to play a part in majestical matters. What term does Philip Sidney use to characterize such plays and which of the unities of Aristotle do they violate ?

(A) mongrel tragicomedy; unity of action

(B) mixed tragedies; unity of action

(C) multi-plot drama; unity of time

(D) mingled yarn; unity of place

Ans: A

Criticism and Theory

83. According to Coleridge, the secondary imagination dissolves, diffuses, _________ , in order to recreate….. Choose the right word for the blank.

(A) disintegrates

(B) dissipates

(C) displaces

(D) dissociates

Ans: B

84. A famous challenge to the Neoclassical tenets of form and reason in aesthetic considerations came from Edmund Burke. His work was titled :

(A) An Enquiry into the Philosophical Origin of, Our Ideas of the sublime

and the Beautiful

(B) Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin Of Our Ideas of the Sublime and

the Beautiful

(C) An Enquiry into the Philosophical Origin of Our Ideas of the Beautiful

and the Sublime

(D) Philosophical Enquiry into Our Original Ideas of the Beautiful and the


Ans: B

85. In Biographia Literaria S.T. Coleridge defines the imagination as the faculty by which

(A) the soul perceives the phenomenal diversity of the universe.

(B) the soul perceives the spiritual unity of the universe.

(C) the mind acquires images by its associative power.

(D) the mind separates images by its discriminatory power.

Ans: B

86. In An Essay of Dramatic Poesy to whom does Dryden refer with the phrase “he needed not the spectacles of books to read Nature”?

(A) Ben Jonson

(B) Ovid

(C) William Shakespeare

(D) Geoffrey Chaucer

Ans: C

87. 11,396 definitions of romanticism were given by :

(A) Friedrich Schlegel

(B) Victor Hugo

(C) Edger Allan Poe

(D) F. L. Lucas

Ans: D

88. The term ‘a stream of consciousness’ is derived from the writing of :

(A) Mary Sinclair

(B) Dorothy Richardson

(C) William James

(D) Gertrude Stein

Ans: C

89. In his Defence of Poesy what is the “best and most accomplished kind of poetry” in Sidney’s estimation?

(A) Heroical, or epic poetry

(B) Lyric poetry

(C) Pastoral poetry

(D) Elegiac poetry

Ans: A

90. Which of the following ancient critics does Alexander Pope commend as exemplary in Essay on Criticism?

(A) Aristotle, Quintilian, Dryden, Dionysius, Horace

(B) Aristotle, Longinus, Quintilian, Durfey, Dryden

(C) Aristotle, Horace, Dionysius, Quintilian, Longinus

(D) Aristotle, Horace, Durfey, Quintilian, Longinus

Ans: C

91. “In honoured poverty thy voice did weave/songs consecrate to truth and liberty, – / Deserting these, thou leavest me to grieve” are lines from “To Wordsworth”. Who is the poet?

(A) Coleridge

(B) Shelley

(C) Byron

(D) Keats

Ans: B

92. In Thomas Hobbes’s grand metaphor in Leviathan, a commonwealth is

like ………….

(A) a great ship piloted by one man, but managed by the efforts of many.

(B) an artificial man imbued with the strength of many men.

(C) an octopus whose many tentacles represent the competing interests

of men.

(D) an ostrich, which thrusts its head in the sand to avoid danger and

self examination.

Ans: B

93. The form of Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Poesy is

(A) an essay

(B) an epic poem

(C) a dialogue

(D) a play

Ans: C

94. Which work by a famous poet does Thomas de Quincey refer to as “the feeblest and least interesting” of his writings “being substantially a mere versification, like a metrical multiplication table, of common places, the most mouldy with which criticism has baited its rat-traps”?

(A) John Dryden’s An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

(B) Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism

(C) Shelley’s Defence of Poetry

(D) Sidney’s An Apologie for Poetry

Ans: B

95. ____ attempted to draw a distinction between two kinds of Truth, a theological Truth ‘drawn from the word and oracles of God’ and determined by faith, and a ‘scientific’ Truth based on the light of nature and the dictates of reason.

(A) Treatise on the laws of Ecclesiastical Piety

(B) Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England

(C) The Advancement of Learning

(D) The New Atlantis

Ans: C

96. In Defence of Poesy what arguments does Sidney make for considering the Biblical Psalms poetry?

I. They are written in meter.

II. They originated in Church choirs

III. They were written by a single author.

IV. David uses imagery and personification to portray faith.

The right combination according to the code is

(A) II and III

(B) I and III

(C) I and IV

(D) II and IV

Ans: C

97. The critical concept of a “Willing suspension of disbelief” owes its origin to Chapter …………… of Biographia Literaria.

(A) IX



(D) XV

Ans: B

98. Thomas Carlyle coined two evocative phrases, ‘Everlasting Nay’ and ‘Everlasting Yea’ to suggest the swing in the national mood of his times. The phrases came from

(A) On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History

(B) Past and Present

(C) Sartos Resartus

(D) The French Revolution

Ans: C

99. Which of these lines is NOT in Pope’s Essay on Criticism?

(A) “Wretches hang that jury men may dine”

(B) “A little learning is a dangerous thing”

(C) “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”

(D) “The sound must seem an echo to the sense”

Ans: A

100. In his theory of Mimesis, Plato says that all art is mimetic by nature; art is an imitation of life. To argue his case he gives the example of a :

(A) cloud

(B) chair

(C) tree

(D) river

Ans: B

Criticism and Theory

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