The God of Small Things By Arundhati Roy Quiz

Welcome, dear student! Before you embark on our exciting quiz, it is suggested to watch the video on the work that we have created on our YouTube channel. This will enhance your understanding of the subject matter and summary of the novel. Once you've finished, you'll be fully equipped to tackle our challenging questions with confidence.

What is the primary theme explored in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things?

What is the name of the river that runs through Ayemenem?

Which year did "The God of Small Things" win the Booker Prize?

Who is the narrator of "The God of Small Things"?

What tragedy befalls Velutha in the novel?

Which of the following themes is explored in "The God of Small Things"?

What is the occupation of Chacko, Estha, and Rahel's father?

What is the significance of the "Love Laws" in the novel?

What is the relationship between Baby Kochamma and Velutha?

What is the name of the movie that Estha and Rahel watch at the theater?

Which character represents the rigid caste system and social hierarchy?

What is the central theme of "The God of Small Things"?

Which narrative technique does Arundhati Roy use in "The God of Small Things"?

What is the nickname given to Estha and Rahel?

Who is referred to as "Pappachi" in the novel?

Which year was "The God of Small Things" published?

What is the significance of the "small things" in the novel?

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